Sunday, 27 August 2017

MechC Makes A Guinness World Record For "Most Crowded College Canteen" .

Yes DTU's MechC was awarded with Most crowded college canteen ever by Guinness World Records.

                                         Image result for guinness world records

Although Mic Mac was very close to getting this award and it stood second on that list.

Although College authorities don't give a flying fuck about the overcrowded canteen. They are increasing seats every year, guess what DTU gon have students shove up its ass every year and you can't do shit about that.
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Saturday, 26 August 2017

DTU Mechie Finds A Girlfriend, Mechanical Department Disowns Him.

Yes you heard it right!
DTU Mechanical student was disowned by college's Mechanical department. The official statement was- "This is not acceptable and we cannot believe he broke his oath of staying single till he dies"

The college authorities are in favour of the department and is ready to expel the student.

Seems like a mechanical guy has a pretty struggling life.

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